Petromat Fabric (Vance Brothers) & 2 coats of 3/8" Chip Seal (Foothills Paving)

15th Street Road

Fabric Chip Seals are frequently used both in Colorado and other states. The application process begins after site preparation and cleaning. Oil emulsion is applied to the pavement to adhere a layer of fiber-glass like paving fabric, called Petromat, which gives the street extra durability. After the fabric is in place, a second layer of oil emulsion is added and two layers of 3/8″ aggregate are installed. The aggregate is then locked in with a final layer of oil emulsion, called a “fog seal” or “armor coat”. The added strength from the fabric and the larger, doubled layers of aggregate gives this chip seal an especially high durability.

The application required a 4 hour closure, and then another 1 hour closure the following day for fog sealing. Loose aggregate, which is common with chip seals, was becoming a particular issue here, so Foothills Paving came back almost 1 month later for a second coat of fog sealing.